.إلى من زرع الحب والحلم بين جفوني
أجمل البحار
.ذلك الذي لم يزره أحد بعد
أجمل الأطفال
.ذلك الذي لم يكبر بعد
أجمل أيامنا
.تلك التي لم نعشها بعد
أجمل الكلمات
.تلك التي لم أقلها بعد

These are the Greatest Hits in my life so far. They are the best moments that always keep my memory and heart warm. I thought of adding them as the year is coming to an end.
- The day I made Dad proud (at the age of five) among his friends by reading to them a complete page from the newspaper.
- When Mum took me in her arms the day I got very high marks in Thanawya Amma.
- The year I Knew both Dr. Karma Sami and Dr. Sahar El Mougy.
- The night Dr. Sahar El Mougy told me: "You're such a promising writer". (I always go to that entry in my diary.)
- The birthday I celebrated at PizzaHut thanks to my friends and my seniors at work who arranged the whole party without telling me (but I knew).
- The Valentine's Day you left me the rose in my notebook.
Last night I had one of the most exquisite and strange dreams. I was climbing the stairs. It was an awful job because the steps did not seem to end. But I was supposed to do something once I reached the roof. I don't know what it is. I saw someone coming down who said: "You are almost there." I looked up high and saw the sunrays penetrating and strong. Finally, I found myself in what seems to me like a palace hall. It was so beautiful with its so many spires. I was not alone. I discovered that I was invited to a ballet show. The most fantastic of all. So elegantly and confidently they danced. The male dancers were carrying the ballerinas up high on one arm like feathers, swirling them around. It was stupendous. I couldn't translate this dream. And yet, I will always keep it somewhere in my memory, to remind me that I can dream on.